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Our Trade Groups

The trade groups was created for the purpose of creating an expanded network that will accelerated lift of members businesses focused areas through skilled network with like-minded professionals.

Each trade group may elect a committee from among its own members, for the purpose of consultation on matters relating to its own branch of trade, and for transacting the business of the group. Each member of the Chamber must belong to the appropriate Trade Group relating to its trade and profession. At present TACCIMA have Nineteen (20) trade groups like;

  • - oil and gas
  • - education, books, arts, culture and media
  • - banking, finance houses and insurance
  • - agriculture and agro allied services
  • - tourism, hospitality and travel agencies
  • - SME's AND NGO's
  • - health and medical devices
  • - Import/Export & general merchandise
  • - IT and Electronics
  • - logistics, transportation andshipping
  • - authomobile and auto parts
  • - heavy and light equipment and machinery
  • - engineering, fabrication and construction
  • - power, new energy and generating equipments
  • - manufacturing
  • - chemical and pharmaceuticals
  • - indigenous business group (Medium/Small Enterprise)
  • - Environmental & Real Estate
  • - Investment and Property
  • - Business Management, Professions And consultants