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Mission Objectives

TACCIMA Mission/Objectives/Vision

TACCIMA Objectives

To promote the development of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture in the State and Nigeria in general.

To promote and protect the interest of members, organized private sector and the general public.

To facilitate the establishment of meaningful economic relationship with local and foreign businessmen and companies.

To assist business in any way possible, wherever necessary in form of advise information, guidance and such other action as to enable them to easily achieve their objectives.

To influence Government policies on enabling environment for the growth of commerce, industry, mines and agriculture.


To seek solution to problems confronting private sector activities through maintenance of good relationship with the public sector and for the voice of Taraba business community to be heard and inputted in government budget preparation and legislative processes


Make available convenient interchange of ideas of businesses of the organized private sector (OPS) in connection with their operation and protection to become major driver of the economic development.