What makes TACCIMA

The chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Movement in Nigeria dates back to the Colonial period. However, in Taraba state it came into being in 1991 when the state was created. It was carved out of defunct Gongola Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture.

The major activity of the Chamber then is to mobilize the business community within the state to appreciate the need to come together and form a formidable pressure group on economic matters that will help shape government policies towards free enterprising society. This was done through holding a consultative and interactive meeting with various trade organizations in the state which culminated in having an all-embracing and accepted Chamber that was inaugurated on 23rd February, 2013.

The Taraba Chamber has a 22-man Executive committee amongst which we have the President, assisted by three Deputy Presidents (1st, 2nd and 3rd) The four business components that make up the Chamber, viz; Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture are all headed by the Presidents, with also a Vice President on trade fairs. The director General heads the secretariat and oversees the administration and day to days running of the Chamber.

With aggressive membership drive by Executive Committee through enlightenment campaign and various interfaces has resulted in the Chamber now having membership strength of 9,750 (active and non-active).

The Taraba Chamber as an organized private sector (OPS) with the largest business assemblage in the state legalized its operation in the state by registering with relevant government agencies and affiliating with both the regional bodies of the Coalition of Northern States Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (CONSCCIMA), URL link www.consccima.org.ng and the Nigerian Association of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (NACCIMA), the URL link; URL: www. naccima.com

It has been attending meetings and other businesses organized by apex bodies. The Taraba Chamber has been liaising with the Taraba State Ministry of Commerce and Industry, making inputs into, budget preparation and legislative processes all in bib to help the benefit of the private sector and economic development of the state. The Chamber have been attending State, Regional and International trade fairs, Exhibition, Trade Mission and other lucrative trade events organized to gain experience and seek collaboration to organize similar events in and outside the state for trade promotion and to woo investors for investment to harness the vast economic resources of Taraba state with its attendant multiplier effect on the socio-economic well-being of the people.

Alh. Uba Mairiga


Mr. Ben B. Zhema

Director Gen.

Past Presidents and Director General

late Alh. Ali Babando

Past President
1991 - 2003

Alh. Adamu A. Loddo

Past Director Gen.
2003 - 2006

Alh. Ali Gombe

Past President
2006 - 2013

Pharm Joseph Agaji

Past Director Gen.
2006 - 2012