TACCIMA Valuable market insight

The market insight and new champions, creating a base for relationships by participating in interesting conversations is a powerful way to promote your business in the minds of prospective suppliers, buyers and partners in the international markets.


What makes TACCIMA

The chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Movement in Nigeria dates back to the Colonial period. However, in Taraba state it came into being in 1991 when the state was created. It was carved out of defunct Gongola Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture.

Alh. UbaMairiga


Mr. Ben B. Zhema

Director General

Providing a common platform for all business

The chamber provides a common platform for all business and represents the organized private sector in the state. It also provides a forum for members to exchange ideas in the area of business development and promotion.

The chamber also organizes seminars, conferences and workshops on topical economic issues of National and International interest.

The chamber organizes trade fairs, exhibitions, undertakes research and consultancy services on markets, commodities, products, imports and exports. Similarly the chamber embarks on youth’s entrepreneurship programme, trade mission to create business awareness and economic ties between its members and investors/suppliers and promote the export of Nigerian good and services.

Key Benefits

Gain Market Access

Market Opportunities

Gain Market Insight

Agriculture the economy root of Taraba

Agriculture is largely the mainstay of Taraba's economy and economy and employs 80% of the state population on the average, contributing 65% to the state GDP with Rivers Benue, is ripe for dry season farming, a practical commitment to elevate agriculture to being the major export earner.

Also, livestock production is a major enterprises as Taraba is noted for being a leader in the country, with Jalingo and the Mambila Plateau being major areas.


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